tremorkikimor 'Pustoshi' MC FD-23


A new recording by tremorkikimor, "a non-human fem ensemble from the nearest swamp", now scattered by Russian war against Ukraine across different countries. Word to the authoresses:

‘Russian expression “В лихую годину” (‘In a bad times’) is right about the chronotope of our album. A field recording with crows and a humming port on Kanonersky Island, essential for this recording, was made amidst the pandemic and the war, when close and attentive listening was still possible. We wanted to build a sound space around this field recording so that it would lead the soundscape being not reduced to the background.

tremorkikimor often turn to the theme of nature in the city, seen not as something useful or beautiful, but something weird and breaking loose from ‘urban development’. Let’s say: for some reason, no-one builds stalls in the neighboring wasteland and no one parks cars there… wait just a couple of weeks and indomitable burdocks, wormwood, flowers that are nameless for most city people seize power. This kind of space feeling inspires our music. We live in cities where nature has a cultural code of its own. We are told that the trees outside are beautiful and good. But we as visitors of those strange wastelands insist: trees are not only good, they are also scary.

In many ways, this album has become a way for us to talk about the unbearable. It contains elements of unconventional self-made laments, of mourning the dead without dividing them into friends and foes, human and non-human. In these recording the dead have more place than the living. Wastelands behind garages turn into wastelands in place of cities. One day the war-scorched spaces will become chaotic gardens of thistles and fireweeds, but for now they just shine with earthy blackness'.

Cassette edition is limited to 50 hand-numbered copies and contains a coupon with a download link to field recordings, captured by ensemble members in various locations throughout Russia and Armenia.